“Style your furry friend with our trendy pet clothes. Make them the talk of the town and let their personality shine through. Shop now!”
搜索结果 10:
狗衣服批发惊喜柔软宠物毛衣连帽保暖冬季宠物衣服带羊毛小动物狗衣服批发, 温暖的羊毛帽, 时尚风格.
轻松开启和关闭按钮 ,保暖摇粒绒内里.
Cat Recovery Body Wraps
Cat Recovery Body Wraps are made with a terry cloth fabric and are designed to help improve the healing process for cats that have recently undergone surgery or are recovering from an illness or injury. The wraps help keep the cat warm and comfortable, which can speed up the healing process. They are also easy to use and can be wrapped around the cat’s body in just a few seconds.
Designer Dog Clothes Comfortable Warm Dog Coats Hoadies for winter small dog with fleeceDesigner dog clothes with warm fleece hat, keeping pets warm,
cool logo sew on the clothes fabric,
clastic ribbon cuff, fit for most pets
高质量 & soft cotton and fleece.
狗救生衣, 狗救生衣
Dogs love swimming and playing in the water, but it can be dangerous for them if they can’t stay afloat. That’s where a good life jacket comes in. Dog life jackets are designed specifically to keep dogs safe and comfortable in the water. They have a comfortable fit, buoyant materials that keep dogs afloat, and straps that help keep them secure.
Dog life jackets are a great way to keep your pet safe while swimming. They are comfortable and provide plenty of buoyancy, keeping your pet afloat even in deep water. The straps help keep the jacket in place, so you can relax knowing your dog is safe.
The Dog Reflective Vest is perfect for keeping your dog safe while out on walks or during night time. The vest features two reflective stripes that will help drivers and other pedestrians see your dog in low light or dark conditions. The vest is also made of durable and lightweight fabric, making it comfortable for your dog to wear.
柔软狗狗 T 恤
这款柔软的狗狗 T 恤非常适合您毛茸茸的朋友. 它是由 100% 棉质且可机洗. 该衬衫剪裁舒适,颈部和腹部按扣方便使用. 这样可以轻松地穿上和脱下您的狗. 衬衫也很透气, 这有助于让您的狗保持凉爽和舒适. 加, 可爱的设计会让您的狗看起来时尚!
我们的内部设计师可以快速将您的想法转化为实体产品. 联系我们免费获取您的设计.
使用最先进的技术和设备, 我们与 Chewy 等行业领导者合作, 田家兴, 和宠物智能等.
我公司致力于关注整个产品创作过程的所有细节. 不应忽视任何一个细节.
我公司有 48 技术工人和 6000 平方米生产面积, 40 通用缝纫机, 2 切割机, 和 10 配套高科技自动缝纫机、绣花机,
最重要的是,我们现在有 6 用于检查原材料和成品的试验机
A1:我们的产品因我们的免费定制设计服务而脱颖而出. 客户可以直接与我们的设计师合作,为他们的宠物创造独特、时尚的产品. 我们还使用优质材料并注重耐用性, 舒适和安全.
A2:我们的制造工厂位于广州, 中国. 我们在内部控制整个生产过程, 从采购优质材料到最终的质量控制检查. 这使我们能够确保始终如一的高质量.
A3:是的, 我们为所有宠物产品提供 1 年保修. 我们自豪地支持我们的制造质量. 如果出现任何缺陷, 我们将免费维修或更换该物品.
A4:我们精心挑选耐用, 无毒, 我们的产品采用环保材料. 这包括透气网布, 支撑性衬垫, 柔性塑料, 和反光材料以提高可见度. 我们避免使用任何可能刺激宠物皮肤的材料.
A5:绝对地! 我们的免费定制设计服务使每件产品都能根据您宠物的独特需求进行定制. 我们可以调整尺寸, 使用不同的材料, 添加个性化详细信息, 和更多. 只需联系我们,我们将与您一对一合作设计完美的产品.
大急流城, 心肌梗死
华盛顿, 医学博士
迈阿密, FL