Tokony hanao kiraro alika ve ny alika?

Tokony hanao kiraro ny alika rehefa manimba ny tongotra tsy misy tongotra ny zavatra mandehandeha. Ny paosin'ny canine dia natao ho an'ny ety ivelany ary mety handany fotoana be, TSARA, Weather. Rehefa tsy voafehy ny singa dia te-hametraka kiraro amin'ny alikanao ianao. Raha mety ho voan'ny fanala ny alikanao, may ny paw pad, tapaka na kikisana, asio kiraro izy ireo. Ny karazany sasany dia mety mitaky fikarakarana bebe kokoa rehefa mikasika ny paws. Na izany dia noho ny fototarazony na ny toetrany, jereo amin'ny veterinera anao mba hahazoana antoka fa miaro ny tongony araka izay tratra ianao.

dog Boots

Inona no atao hoe pad paw alika?
Tena tsy mampino ny paosin'ny alika. Fifangaroan'ny hozatra be pitsiny, sela, hozatra, misy hozatra, collagen sy keratin, Ny paw pad dia miaro ny rantsan-tongotra sy ny tongotra tsy ho rovitra. Izy ireo dia manome fanohanana ny tonon-taolana sy ny hozatra, misoroka ny fahatafintohinana vokatry ny fiatraikany rehefa mandeha sy mihazakazaka ny alikanao. Ny paw pads koa dia manampy amin'ny fikorianan'ny alika! A study from Japan recently published in Veterinary Dermatology says there’s basically a “heat exchange system” in canine feet that keeps them warm during winter. Paw pads also keep dogs cool in the summer by sweating out heat.

Should dogs wear shoes?
Thanks to the miraculous paw pad, dogs don’t need to wear shoes indoors or on a daily basis. But, while paw pads do protect your dog’s feet from harsh terrain and intense temperatures, there are occasions when dogs should wear shoes. These instances include extremely hot or cold weather, extended time on rough terrain and when healing from an injury.

Dogs who weren’t bred for freezing temperatures (think: Chihuahuas or Australian Kelpies) probably need boots throughout winter. Breeds like Siberian Huskies and Akitas can get away with more snowy outdoor time as they were built to withstand cold weather. However, snow or not, if temperatures are really low, even Black Russian Terriers will need boots to prevent frostbite.

Folks living in hot climates should test sidewalks with their own feet before heading out with their dog. If you can’t hold your bare foot comfortably on the ground for 10 seconds, you should put shoes on your dog. Don’t rely solely on your thermometer; it doesn’t have to be that hot for the sun to really cook asphalt. Unless rain makes sidewalks particularly slick in your neighborhood, dogs don’t need boots to protect from drizzle.

Trekking through the woods or on rocky hiking trails present lots of opportunities for cuts and calluses. Toss some shoes on your dog! Certain shoes can also add traction to slippery areas. If you plan on taking your dog hiking regularly, The Farmer’s Dog recommends introducing them to boots early and giving their paws plenty of time to acclimate to rougher terrain.

Finally, a dog recovering from surgery or an injury to a foot or paw should wear shoes outdoors (and sometimes indoors if necessary). The last thing you want is stitches coming out or an infection creeping in as your pup heals. Senior dogs suffering from arthritis may need to wear shoes for added joint support, too. Talk to your vet if you think this is the case!

What could happen if your dog doesn’t wear shoes?
Without shoes, some dogs could develop a condition called pododermatitis, says VCA Ark Animal Hospitals. This is when the paws become inflamed. While fungus or parasites could certainly cause pododermatitis, ny alika sasany dia mahatsapa mamaivay rehefa avy mihazakazaka amin'ny simenitra na vatokely. Mitadiava mena, pads nivonto. Mariho raha milelaka ny tongony foana ny alikanao na mihintsana ny volony. Raha mihevitra ny veterinerinao fa ny pododermatitis ny pup dia vokatry ny fihazakazahana be loatra amin'ny tany mafy, mety ho anisan'ny drafitra fitsaboana ny fampiasam-bola amin'ny kiraro fiarovana.

Miankina amin'ny tontolo iainana, ny alika dia afaka maka zavatra simika ratsy rehefa mivoaka sy mandehandeha. Areas where lawns have been chemically treated or sidewalks are covered in de-icing salt can wreak havoc on dog paws. Dogs with very furry paws have a higher risk of getting salt and pebbles stuck between toes. If your dog isn’t wearing shoes, it’s wise to wipe their feet with a damp towel whenever they come in from a walk. This gives you a chance to check for any injuries and prevent your pup from licking or further inhaling irritants.

How to choose the best dog shoes
Omano ny tenanao amin'ny fitsapana sy ny fahadisoana be dia be amin'ny fisafidianana ny kiraro tsara indrindra ho an'ny alikanao. Mifanaraka tsara - tsy tery loatra, tsy mivelatra loatra - tena zava-dehibe amin'ny fahombiazana.

Ny kiraro alika dia tokony hifanaraka amin'ny filan'ny alikanao (aza mividy kiraro ririnina ho an'ny fialan-tsasatra fahavaratra mafana).
Vidio ny haben'ny alikanao, ary aza miezaka manao izany raha lehibe loatra na kely. Alefaso izy ireo ary alao ny mpivady mety.
Ataovy azo antoka fa afaka mandeha ao anatin'izy ireo ny alikanao nefa tsy solafaka na solafaka. Mety haka fotoana izany; mahareta fa zatra manao kiraro ny alikanao!
You shouldn’t be able to fit a finger between the shoe and your dog’s leg.
Consider buying different pairs for different occasions, especially if there’s lots of snow in your area and one pair will need to dry out between wears.
When all is said and done, if your dog absolutely refuses to walk around with shoes on, there are balms and salves you can rub onto the paw pad to protect it. Lovoyagerpet’s high top dog shoes is a good choice for winter. Prevention is better than treating a painful issue later on.

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