Voyagerpet Dog Booties Paw Protector

(1 klant resinsje)

Voyagerpet Dog Booties Paw Protector

model nûmer: LVSH15003


Booties are a must have for winter weather. They protect your dog’s paws from the cold, ice, and snow. Booties also help keep your floors and furniture clean by preventing muddy paw prints.

Dog booties protect paws from the cold, ice, snow, and salt. They are made of durable neoprene and have a velcro closure. The booties are easy to put on and fit most dogs. They come in a variety of colors and patterns.

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-Keep your dog’s paws clean

-Prevent ice build-up on paws

-Protect paws from hot surfaces

-Protect paws from sharp objects

-Keep dogs from licking their wounds

1 resinsje foar Voyagerpet Dog Booties Paw Protector

  1. avatar fan abby


    Quality is pretty good, we were impressed how well made they are and how neatly they say on her paws, easy to put on but she’ll happily let you do anything to her!

Foegje in resinsje

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