Begraffenis kremaasje urnen foar hûnen Katten

(1 klant resinsje)

Begraffenis kremaasje urnen foar hûnen Katten

model nûmer: LTC-066

The Stainless Steel Funeral Cremation Urns for Dogs Cats are a beautiful and unique way to remember a pet. The urns are made of durable stainless steel and have a beautiful, shiny finish. They are also lightweight and easy to carry. This makes them perfect for memorial services or other ceremonies. The urns can also be displayed in the home as a testament to the life of a beloved pet.


  • Finkje Oanpast
  • Finkje It minimalisearre bedriuw fan MOQ
  • Finkje Factory Priis



Stainless steel is a strong, durable metal that will not corrode over time

The urns are sleek and simple in design, giving them a modern look

Each urn can hold the ashes of up to two animals, so they are perfect for families with multiple pets

The lids fit securely and are easy to open, making it possible to safely transport the ashes

The urns can be placed on a mantel or shelf, or even buried in the ground

1 resinsje foar Begraffenis kremaasje urnen foar hûnen Katten

  1. avatar fan saralu


    Very good quality and excellent marterial . Thanks for making it special

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