Dog Training Collar Rainproof Vibration Collar

(1 klant resinsje)

Dog Training Collar Rainproof Vibration Collar

model nûmer: LVBC2008

De Dog Training Collar is in oplaadbare hûnskokhalsband mei piep, trillings- en skoktrainingsmodi. De kraach is reinbestindich en op ôfstân op ôfstân. De halsband is ûntwurpen foar alle rassen en maten fan hûnen.



  • Finkje Oanpast
  • Finkje It minimalisearre bedriuw fan MOQ
  • Finkje Factory Priis



-Rainproof and perfect for use in any weather condition.

-A remote range of up to 1000 feet, making it perfect for use in large areas.

-Adjustable to fit any dog’s size.

-Perfect for basic obedience training and can help correct bad behaviors such as barking, jumping, and chewing.

-Also safe and humane, causing no pain or harm to the dog.

1 resinsje foar Dog Training Collar Rainproof Vibration Collar

  1. avatar fan aurora


    Great price on a remote collar for my dog. Nikki the Labradoodle likes to do things her way and her coat is pretty thick and wirey.

Foegje in resinsje

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