8 ways will made your cat fall in love with you!
Cats are very fickle creatures, full of love for you in the first second, and then start to dodge or scratch you in the second. By establishing long-term friendly and positive relationships with cats and understanding their behavior, you can make them like you, and even fall in love with you.
Here are various methods summarized by netizens to make cats stick to their owners and fall in love with them. How many have you achieved?
- Playing with cats
Cats are naturally energetic and need to play to enrich their lives, maintain happiness and health. Provide cats with some pet toys to stimulate them, including toys that can pounce and bite, toys that can be played with, and toys that can be used for hunting. Helps keep cats happy and make them like you more.

- Reward cats with snacks
If the cat doesn’t want to get close to you, put a snack in your hand, call the cat’s name, and let it eat. This can let the cat know that it can trust you. lykwols, do not feed your cat too many snacks as it may make them picky eaters.
- Don’t disturb the cat too much
When cats clean themselves, eat, drink water, or sleep, do not touch them, pat them, or even play with them. This may startle it, make it feel nervous or irritable, and make it react unpleasant.
- Be gentle and loving towards cats
When touching or picking up a cat, make sure to move gently to prove that you are trustworthy and make it more willing to approach you. Remember not to shout loudly at the cat, or forcefully knead the cat or pull its tail.
- Keep your position about the same height as the cat
Squat down, sit down, or lie down, maintaining a height similar to that of a cat. This will make the cat feel more relaxed in front of you and easier to form a close relationship with you. You will find that when you sit on the sofa or chair, the cat will actively approach you.
- Responding to the cat’s feelings towards you
If a cat rubs against you, it is greeting you, leaving its scent on you, and you can also kindly stroke its head. By making a step on your body, it indicates that it is very happy. Treating you as its mother, let it step on it. This way, it can relax and enhance the relationship between you.
- Chat more with cats
Be sure to let the cat know its own name, so talk to it frequently and shout its name. If it meows, respond to it. This will make the cat happy and more likely to come to you when it needs attention.
- Prepare toys for your cat. When going out, put the cat in a pet drager tas and wear húsdier skuon en katten klean to protect it, so that it will love you more.