Starkes Leinen K9 Hundetrainingsspielzeug

(1 Kundenbewertung)

Starkes Leinen K9 Hundetrainingsspielzeug

Modell Nr: LVB744-1

The Strong Linen K9 Canine Pet Training Toy is a great tool for training your dog. It is made of durable linen and can withstand even the strongest dogs. The toy is also safe to use outdoors, making it perfect for playing fetch or tug-of-war.

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-Perfect for out door use. made of indestructible materials to handle the tough play of even the most rambunctious dog.

-Great for training dogs of all ages and sizes.

-Soft and gentle on dogsteeth and gums, while still being tough enough to withstand hours of vigorous play.

-Also easy to clean- simply rinse with water and let air dry.

-Providing hours of entertainment for your pet at a fraction.

1 Bewertung für Starkes Leinen K9 Hundetrainingsspielzeug

  1. Avatar von bella


    She really likes to tug on them, which is a fun game for all. They are dense toys and seem like they will outlast the typical life of a chew or squeaky toy.

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