Hundesocken Gummisohle Pfotenschutz

(1 Kundenbewertung)

Hundesocken Gummisohle Pfotenschutz

Modell Nr: LVS09

Our Paw Protectors are perfect for keeping your pet’s paws warm and dry in the winter. The rubber soles provide traction and prevent slips on icy surfaces, while the Velcro straps keep them securely in place. They are also waterproof, so your pet can still enjoy walks in the rain or snow.

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-Made of a thick, warm material to keep dogspaws warm during winter weather.

-The rubber sole paw protectors have traction control and anti-slip waterproof boots to prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

-Velcro straps help keep the socks in place on dogsfeet, even when they are running or playing.

-Easy to Put On and Take Off

-Machine Washable

1 Bewertung für Hundesocken Gummisohle Pfotenschutz

  1. Avatar von wendy


    These shoes he has accepted and they stay firm.My dog like the size M i choose for him.

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